Resizes and translations


Advertisements were only a small part of the work that passed through the studio, however we did have a few clients that required bespoke adverts created for various publications. Working with international clients also occasionally required me to layout translated copy.
Dassault Systèmes
Resizes – The designers created advert masters for press, 4 sheet and 48 sheet formats across 14 different industries. My job was to artwork the initial designs and finalise the master files. I would then use the brand guidelines to create accurate resizes for bespoke requests by the client for various publications.
Translations – After the original press masters were created, the text was translated into seven other languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese and Japanese). I took the translated copy and created master artwork files for each language using the brand guidelines as an indication of text placement. With the translated master files created, it made resize requests from the clients easier to artwork.
Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions
Resizes – Similar to the Dassault Systèmes adverts, master artwork files were created for each advert concept and I would resize them dependent on the brief. There were quite a lot of bespoke sizes for the Toshiba adverts, horizontal, vertical, A4, A5, A6, so the resizes needed close attention to ensure consistency and the accurate placement of each element.
Translations – There were only a few translations needed for TGCS, but due to the different sentence lengths that each language would produce, I needed to pay specific attention to the spacing between the copy and the logo at the bottom of the page. Sometimes this meant that I had to decrease the size of the main image and text lockup.
First Names Group
As part of the First Names Group rebrand we created an A4 portrait advert for use in industry publications. The client contacted us requesting the same advert, but this time as an A5 landscape advert. I resized the advert, ensuring the copy was legible and that the edge graphic elements remained without taking too much space from the copy and the image.